Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Coca Cola is Sinful?

Rumors have been flying around for about a year about the possibility of taxing soft drinks with a "sin tax."  While Coca Cola as well as consumers who will ultimately pay more for consumption see this as a threat,  the government has found an opportunity to raise funds and potentially reduce health costs as a result of obesity.  Th only opportunity I see for Coca Cola is if they sell more diet drinks and bottled waters because they are not bad for you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We can't look at a soft drink as sinful. Companies like Coca-Cola and McDonald's have been under a lot of scrutiny because the government thinks that they are big contributors to the obesity problem. Consumers CHOOSE what items they want to buy and are willing to spend their hard earned money on. Maybe to be on the safe side, they should put a warning label (similar to those on cigarette packages) on their products. That will put the responsibility is back on the consumer.
