Saturday, October 2, 2010

Coke Culture: When a strength becomes a weakness

Coca Cola may be considered one of the greatest brands.  Former CEO Neville Isdell once said "the specialness of Coca-Cola permeates the company and is part of the very positive elements of the culture."  Coca Cola has a tremendous reach, with an excellent manufacturing and distribution system.  However, much like many other companies, Coca Cola was forced to lay off workers during the economic downturn.  Many employees looked at Coke as lifetime employment and feel their trust has been broken.

1 comment:

  1. From an economical standpoint, when people have less money to spend they will be more apt to buy store brand sodas as opposed to national name brands like Coke and Pepsi. I am sure that is not what the employees of Coke would like to hear but that is a reality.
